Welcome to
Swansea Yacht & Sub-Aqua Club is located on the river Tawe close to the entrance to Swansea Marina. We have a clubhouse, marina, boat yard and fully equipped diving club building. Our club members include Yachtsmen (Cruising and Racing), Motor Boat users, Rowers, Anglers, Divers and social members.
The club marina is home to approximately 200 members boats with an adjoining boat yard and lift. The diving section has two large RIBs, diving equipment, an air compressor and nitrox blending facility.
SYSAC is a members club but visitors will be most warmly welcomed into our clubhouse for a drink and a meal.
SYSAC is a friendly club and warmly welcomes new members. If you would like to join, please download the application from here and return it to the club.
We are a members club but visitors will be warmly welcomed into our clubhouse for a drink and a meal.

The Clubhouse,
Pockett’s Wharf, East Burrows Rd
Swansea, SA1 1RE
OFFICE: (01792) 469 084
CLUBHOUSE: (01792) 469 096
FAX: (01792) 469 097