Welcome to the Berth Holders section.
The marina, which is a members only facility, is home to approximately 200 members boats. The marina has access to the sea via the Tawe Barage offering members easy access though just one lock.
The marina has 200 berths located on the pontoons in the river Tawe, the pontoons are serviced with electricity and water. The marina also has free Wi Fi to club members.
The marina is accessed through a security gate from the adjoining boat yard, the marina is also covered by CCTV which provides 24 hours security.
The adjoining boat yard is able to cater for storage and ample space for members to carry out maintenance of their boats at reasonable cost.
The Maria has a full and part time bosun who are on hand to help all members with their boats, the bosun can arrange lifts out of the water, either using the tractor and slings or the wedge, as well as checking the Pontoons daily and contacting members if there are any issues with their boats.
We also have an onsite electrician who is available to ensure that if there are any issues for members with their supply we can sort it out quickly.
SYSAC is a friendly club and warmly welcomes new members. If you would like to join, please download the application from here and return it to the club.
We are a members club but visitors will be warmly welcomed into our clubhouse for a drink and a meal.
The Clubhouse,
Pockett’s Wharf, East Burrows Rd
Swansea, SA1 1RE
Swansea Yacht and Sub Aqua Club

OFFICE: (01792) 469 084
CLUBHOUSE: (01792) 469 096
FAX: (01792) 469 097